Monday 28 May 2012

Moccasin Making Day Course, London.

I did a trial moccasin making course at Prescott & Mackay In central London a couple of weeks back which was so much fun! Hopefully it will be a regular gig and more of you can come along. Check their website for more info about upcoming courses.

 Everyone getting in to their making once we're on a roll with the procedures.

Felicity from Selvedge magazine made an incredible pair and decided to use a blanket stitch over the toes - I was so impressed. Everyone brought in their own fabric to use on the insoles which we stitched during the session, so each pair was unique to the maker. 

Everyone could also choose a length of trim that matched their chosen suede colour.

Mardi made a stunning blue pair with a Jubilee theme - totally off the cuff! A great day's work.